A special bond develops between friends that only grows with time. Celebrate your close friends by sending them a card!
Six vibrant images with two cards each make up 12 cards. They come with 14 envelopes in a handsome crystal clear box.
Always have a card on hand when you need it! These 5x7 cards have a photographic print affixed to the front, and are blank inside ~ for your own words. Each card has a title and description on the back cover.
~ We Fit Together ~
Lingering fragments are all that is left of the day's cumulus clouds, now that the sun's heat is gone, and they dance together in the orange light below cirrus clouds high enough to be in full sunshine.
~ Stir Together ~
The Trifid Nebula in the constellation Sagittarius is two types of nebula in one, producing both reflected and ionized light from a bright nearby star cluster. The two processes together produce the beautiful intermingling shapes and colors we see from Earth, 5,200 light years away.
~ North Woods Autumn ~
Sitting by the window playing games, planning adventures, watching nature display the newest fall fashions, there is no history, no henceforth, just a single moment that lasts as long as you like.
~ Companionship ~
She loves him as only a dog can love; he loves her just as a cat.
Who can ask for more than that?
~ Spring’s Footprint ~
The heart of earth beats warmly below the surface, beneath the white blanket of snow, drawing water down to the roots to nourish life in the coming Spring.
~ Phoenix ~
Two lovebirds seemingly carve themselves into life from raw
chunks of wood amidst the leaping flames of a winter fire.