Come Home, Child is a memoir of healing from childhood trauma through therapy, poetry, music, and laughter.
Home is the place we’re so eager to escape when we’re young, and forever after long to return. But there’s no going back, especially when the home was a place of unhappiness, heartbreak, or trauma.
The book tells of the author’s struggle to find an authentic identity after a childhood steeped in emotional coldness and narcissism. It is the story of a lifelong journey to find a place in the world that belongs to him and where he belongs. It describes a path of healing which is ultimately coming home to oneself.
Richly illustrated with original drawings and photographs, portraying a boy and the Teddy bear who accompanies him on the journey, The story will resonate with everyone, regardless of their history. 254 pages, Black and White.
As its subtitle, "A Memoir of Healing from Childhood Trauma," suggests, Come Home, Child is a deeply personal book, a chronicle of pain and redemption that traces the author's journey through decades of turmoil and conflict before finally gaining the solace of hard fought wisdom.
As he struggles to reconcile himself to this rocky past, he shares some beautifully rendered epiphanies, illustrating the arduous procedure of transmuting the raw matter of harrowing memory into glittering diamonds of insight.
Interspersed throughout are drawings, photographs, songs, and poems that supplement the narrative, creating a genre-defying multimedia experience that deepens and enriches the reader's understanding.
Some poems explore these themes of trauma and healing through allusions to Greek mythology, while others examine the author's love of nature, science, and literature. My favorite is a lovely tribute to Mary Oliver, the titan of American poetry who also endured an abusive childhood but, like the author, "clawed her way back from the precipice/ recalling the purpose of light." This is the real gift of Come, Home Child: the reminder to all of us that, no matter how much darkness we have known in our lives, there is always a way back to the light.
It's a memoir, it's a life opus, it's an odyssey! Come Home, Child is a classic and creative journey of the child learning and rejecting parental early oppression. The story is told in three sections "Falling", "Rising", and "Steady". The child leaves home to travel the world and expand his consciousness of self boundaries love suffering relationships feelings safety heartbreak and more.
The most compelling section is "Rising" which beautifully explores the true self emerging gradually as he encounters a safe space of healing and therapeutic intervention. Through acceptance the child dissolves layers of abuse and oppression.
The last section "Steady" shows the sturdy foundation built from years of hard work. The foundation continually supports his further healing and insight on the journey.
This is a sometimes painful and excruciating look at abuse and also a poignant and rich celebration of becoming who we are meant to be. The author has added wondrous drawings to illustrate the journey and even songs and music and original fonts.
This homecoming to find our authentic self is a journey we must all take to throw off harmful cultural conditioning. Read this book and take this creative journey with the author. Find your own come home story. Buen Camino.
A very moving, deeply personal work of art—presented in prose, poetry, visual arts and original music scores—about overcoming emotional and physical abuse in childhood and youth after many years in therapy. Speaking in the voices of the child, youth, and mature adult, as well as that of the therapist is visually supported by use of a unique old typewriter script for the author‘s voice and larger, clear print for the therapist‘s voice—a memorable creative choice. You will not easily forget this book, and you may sing and/or play the songs on your piano or guitar for years to come.